Aktuelles aus der Juniorprofessur
War Flames and Hidden Fortunes: The Crucial Role of Informal Business in Conflict Zones

"Family governance: understanding the relationship between informal family meetings, formal governance practices and family-centered non-economic goals"

"Opportunity Amidst Explosions: How Armed Conflicts Spark Informal Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies"

"Revolution or inflated expectations? Exploring the impact of generative AI on ideation in a practical sustainability context"

"How Entrepreneurs are Driving Sustainable Development"

"Preparing the successor through familial support and legitimacy: a multilevel framework"

Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2024

2024 Diana International Research Conference, Stockholm

Prof. Daniela Gimenez hat das UA-Stipendium erhalten

FGF-Arbeitskreise Sustainable & Social Entrepreneurship

"Students’ Sustainable Entrepreneurship Intentions: The Role of Sustainable Values and Culture" im Journal of Entrepreneurship veröffentlicht
Prof. Gimenez-Jimenez hat gemeinsam mit ihrer Kollegin, Dr. Martina Harc, den Artikel "Students' Sustainable Entrepreneurship Intentions: The Role of…

FGF-Arbeitskreise Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Entrepreneurship