FGF working groups on sustainable and social entrepreneurship

From March 20 to March 22, the Junior Professorship of Entrepreneurship had the pleasure of co-hosting the FGF working groups on sustainable and social entrepreneurship at the Technische Universität Dortmund. Nearly 40 researchers enriched this workshop, and two wonderful keynote speakers, Hana Milanov (TU München) and Christopher Wickert (Vrije University Amsterdam), provided inspiring ideas for moving the field forward. On the practical (and fun) side, Borussia Dortmund gave us a great overview of their sustainable practices.
We appreciate our co-hosts Steffen Farny (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg) and Nicole Siebold (Aarhus University (Denmark)) for giving us this opportunity, and the team, Lara Wagener and Sudenur Demirhan for supporting me these days.
Thank you all, and we hope to see you soon!